The most commonly recommended supplements for muscle mass are gainer, creatine and protein. The use of the first one is aimed at increasing the absorbed energy, which is required to increase muscle mass. Creatine will allow you to train harder, it will help you build more muscle mass instead of increasing fat. Protein, on the other hand, is the basic building block of muscles, providing it in too small amounts will not allow you to take full advantage of what you have worked out with your workouts, and will also slow down regeneration. In the case of muscle building, you don’t have to think about what supplements to take before and after training, because the most important thing is how many calories we have taken in per day and how much protein we have consumed, creatine can also be supplemented at any time.
What supplements for muscle mass?
When building muscle mass, a high amount of protein is essential. Protein, in addition to its beneficial effect on muscle building, has an effect that protects muscles and provides the optimal amount of energy for training. If you are wondering what protein for mass will be right for you, you should be guided mainly by your preferences and needs. A good choice in the process of gaining mass will be a gainer, i.e. a combination of protein and carbohydrates. Gainer is often enriched with very important minerals and vitamins, thanks to which it protects the body against harmful deficiencies, which is a common phenomenon among athletes who train intensively. For standard muscle mass gains, you should add supplements to your diet that contain important ingredients such as creatine or amino acids. When choosing a good supplement for muscle mass, pay attention to the composition of the products, so you will be able to find the perfect preparation with beneficial effects. Supplements for building muscle mass play an important role in minimizing the catabolic process. Catabolism is a complex metabolic process that involves the breakdown of tissues to provide the body with energy. Therefore, in order to preserve or increase muscle mass, it is essential to provide the right amount of calories and protein in the diet to minimize the catabolic process. It is for this purpose that muscle mass supplements are extremely helpful, as they provide the body with nutrients that are necessary for muscle reconstruction and regeneration.
Which vitamins for women?
Biotin – a B vitamin, has a positive effect on hair, skin and nails. In addition, it supports the work of the thyroid gland
Iron – its main task is to store and transport oxygen to the body’s cells, women have a much higher demand for this mineral than men due to menstruation.
Folic acid – its proper level is very important during planning and during pregnancy.
Which vitamins for seniors?
To support the body of an elderly person, often recommended supplements are those that contain ingredients that help in the functioning of the circulatory system – vitamin K2, vitamin B12, iron and folic acid. It is worth remembering about vitamins C, D and zinc – they play an important role in strengthening immunity. In addition, ingredients that will help maintain a healthy, youthful appearance are recommended, the most important of which are vitamins A, E and B7.
Which vitamins to strengthen the body?
If you want your immunity to be greater, it is worth looking for which vitamins to take on a daily basis and are safe to supplement. One of such vitamins is vitamin C, responsible,, for the body’s immunity, collagen production and better absorption of other micro and macronutrients. A good choice are supplements containing pure vitamin C or those that contain citrus bioflavonoids, i.e. substances of natural origin with a high content of this vitamin. It has been proven that we most often struggle with vitamin D3 deficiency, this is due to our daily routine and climate, because solar energy is needed to synthesize this vitamin. Vitamin D3 strengthens bones, teeth, muscles and has a positive effect on immunity.
To maintain the proper functioning of our body, it is worth supplementing the deficiency of B vitamins, their deficit often occurs in people whose diet is poor in animal products. If you struggle with fatigue and lack energy during the day, it is worth including supplements containing adaptogens, i.e. compounds of plant origin that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, reduce stress, add energy to action and strengthen the body’s immunity.
How to take vitamins?
The main point in using vitamins is to first find out what ingredients are missing in our body and which we are not able to provide with food. Next, it is important to choose vitamins with a good composition, digestibility and from a proven source. Before supplementation, be sure to read the information about which vitamins can be combined with each other and which combinations should be avoided. For this purpose, it is worth reading our blog, where you will learn how vitamins should be combined.
What vitamins should I take every day?
Nowadays, we eat more and more processed food, which is usually poor in the necessary for the proper functioning of the body and our health. An inadequate diet leads to deficiencies, which can lead to various disorders and diseases in our body. The best way to supplement deficiencies is a balanced diet rich in vitamins, but this is not always possible, in this case dietary supplements come to our aid. As you know, supplements should not be a substitute for a healthy diet, but only complement it. Our body needs many ingredients to function properly, but there are a few that we should pay special attention to and take care of their appropriate level.
Vitamin D3 – Its production is possible thanks to UV radiation from the sun. It is recommended to use it daily for people who live in regions with a climate that does not guarantee adequate sunlight during the year. Thanks to this vitamin, you will strengthen your circulatory system, osteoarticular system, immune system and gain more energy.
Vitamin K2 – This vitamin, in turn, is found in green vegetables and leaves, and in some dairy products. The amount of this ingredient in food is negligible, so it is very difficult to ensure adequate levels of K2 with food, for this purpose it is worth choosing an alternative source of food, which are dietary supplements. Vitamin K2 is responsible for the functioning of the circulatory system and the support of the skeletal system. It should be noted that together with vitamin D3 they have a synergistic effect.
Vitamin E – Widely known as one of the more powerful antioxidants. Thanks to its properties, it can affect cancer prevention by fighting free radicals. Vitamin E is present in nuts and some vegetables. The use of vitamin E has a positive effect on the body’s immunity, eye health and contributes to the maintenance of normal liver function.
If you are looking for the right vitamins on a daily basis, it is worth getting ready-made vitamin complexes, they will provide the right amount of ingredients with one product. Vitamins in the form of drops are often a good choice, thanks to this form they can work more effectively in the body.