vExercises without a gym can be carried out to increase body weight or sculpt the figure.
Exercises for mass at home
If your goal is to build muscle tissue, your home exercise schedule should include exercises such as:
Side arm lift
ench press (including e.g. French press)
orearm curlsquats (e.g. Bulgarian squat)
If you don’t have dumbbells and/or a barbell, you can use a water canister or a power band in most of these exercises.
Sculpting exercises at home
Many people wonder which exercises are best for body shaping. In fact, these can be the same exercises as bulking. However, we use less weight and more repetitions at the same time. We should also not take too long breaks between individual sets (maximum about 30 seconds). This training should be enriched with aerobic exercises, e.g. climbing stairs, push-ups, crunches, burpees, squats, jumping rope.
Home exercises for women
Home training for women is not that different from training for men. Among the most popular exercises that make up a training plan for a girl at home are:
French Press
Push-ups on the knees
Deadlift on straight legs
Kettlebell swing
Forearm raises
Paddling in a torso drop
Suspension Leg Pull to Abdomen (TRX)